Monday, April 14, 2014

Free Master Composer Report and Music Study

Mozart, Bach, Strauss--the Catholic Schoolhouse CD's are absolutely a necessary part of your child's education when it comes to learning about the different composers throughout history.

To further your child's knowledge of each composer, print out the Master Composer Report and Music Study from the link below.  When was the composer born?  When did he die?  Where did he live?  Plot the different events and dates on the map given, and have your child sketch a picture of the composer.  Finally, let the child listen to the music sample on the Catholic Schoolhouse CD while filling out the Music Study page.  Why did this composer write this particular piece?  When did he write it?  How did this piece make you feel?

The free Master Composer Report and Music Study can be used throughout all three years of the Catholic Schoolhouse Tour Guide!


Free Master Composer Report and Music Study

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